
  • Health

    Discover your Personal Frequency

    Article by The Global Spiritualists Association All life vibrates at some frequency. Though this concept can seem difficult, it’s easy to see that humans breathe in and out. Trees and plants do too. Animals are alive. The objects on planet earth are alive and all of them vibrate at some frequency. If you haven’t considered this, then you should. Because you can learn more about your personal frequency. Once you understand these concepts, you may even be able to raise your frequency. The science behind this is quite fascinating. All life is made up of molecules that vibrate at different speeds. You don’t need to be a scientist to truly understand…

  • Health

    How to protect your household surfaces from COVID-19

    Blog provided by Wicker Paradise During this pandemic we are currently facing, many have become aware of the measures experts have recommended to stop the spread of the disease. Wearing a mask outdoors and social distancing by at least six feet have become synonymous with the efforts to win the fight against COVID-19. However, those aren’t the only things you can do to safeguard your and your family’s health while at home. Research has suggested that the coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19 can stay on common household surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic for days. Other research has outlined the surfaces that the coronavirus lasts the longest on,…

  • Health

    Top Tips on Reading with Contact Lenses

    Summary: Reading a book or an e-book can be a treat but can also cause discomfort if you’re a contact lens user. If you’re an avid bookworm and wear contact lenses, your reading sessions might be a bit uncomfortable due to eye strains, dryness, and other discomforts. This guide will you through some tips on how to look after your eyes while reading. Make Sure Your Prescription is Up-to-Date While this might be the most obvious, many people fail to stay up-to-date on their prescription. This can be problematic for a variety of reasons, not just in reading but in other aspects of your day. An eye contact that isn’t…