Top Tips on Lowering Overhead Costs
Summary: Excess overhead costs can bring a business down. Rather than cutting everything out, take a deeper look inside your business to see what’s causing this stagnant, downward spiral. One thing every business owner looks to do, but sometimes without success, is lowering their overhead costs. With things like employee paychecks, weekly or monthly supply orders, and more, financial awareness is something that most owners need to prioritize. Here are some tips that can help you lower overhead costs without sacrificing too much. Make Smart Hires If you have to hire a new employee, be sure to hire someone who has multiple strengths. For example, if you have a mechanic…
How to Bridge the Gap Between Law and Business
Seeking to bridge the industry divide between business and law, one can take their litigation experience and break into the business world with the right tools. These tips will help provide you with the assortment of skills you’ll need to embrace the versatile nature of being an attorney. Taking the “Startup” Road One of the best places to break into a business role is within a startup. While it not be as easy or glamorous as it sounds, it provides an outstanding opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get to work – similar in the way that famed attorney Barry K. Rothman works within the industry. Show off your…